Astroparticle Physics Seminar

Constraining the neutrino mass with cosmological probes

by Dr Matteo Costanzi (USW München)



Oscillation experiments have provided compelling evidence for non-vanishing neutrino masses. Such experiments are only sensitive to mass squared differences between neutrino mass eigenstates, while current high-energy physics experiments provide only loose constraints on the total neutrino mass. On the other hand, cosmology provides powerful means to constrain the neutrino propertiesto thanks to the effects neutrinos induce on background evolution and growth of cosmic structures. These effects leave a characteristic imprint on several cosmological observables that can been used to constrain the total neutrino mass. In this talk I will describe how neutrinos affect the cosmic evolution and how we can use such effects to determine their mass. I will present current and forecast neutrino mass constraints from different cosmological probes, with focus on galaxy clusters.