Theory Seminar

Non-local observables at finite temperature in AdS/CFT

by Ms Nina Miekley

seminar room 313 (MPI Meeting rooms)

seminar room 313

MPI Meeting rooms

Föhringer Ring 6 80805 München
Within gauge/gravity duality, we consider finite-temperature CFTs dual to AdS-Schwarzschild in arbitrary dimensions. Holographically, we obtain analytical closed-form results for the two-point function, Wilson loop and entanglement entropy. These are given by the area of minimal surfaces of different dimension in the gravity background. Our results allow to identify new physical behaviour: For instance, we consider the entanglement density, i.e. the difference of entanglement entropies at finite and vanishing temperature divided by the volume of the entangling region. For field theories of dimension seven or higher, we find that the entanglement density displays non-monotonic behaviour. This implies that the area theorem, proven for RG flows in general dimensions, does not apply here and may signal the emergence of new degrees of freedom.