Theory Seminar

Consistent truncations from wrapped branes, and a Lifshitz solution

by Oscar Varela (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut))



Top-down realisations of gravitational systems holographically dual to condensed matter systems have been usually constructed using consistent Kaluza-Klein truncations associated to M2 or D3 branes in a planar configuration. Here we will show that, associated to M5-branes wrapping cycles of special holonomy manifolds, consistent truncations of D=11 supergravity also exist. We will discuss an specific example where the truncated theory is D=4 N=2 matter-coupled supergravity and show that this effective theory is amenable to further top-down AdS/CMT investigations. In particular, by-passing previous no-go statements, we are able to find a Lifshitz-invariant M-theory background.