I will discuss quark mass effects in the Higgs $q_T$ spectrum which are important to measure the Yukawa coupling from the initial state. I will begin with a new prediction for quark initiated Higgs production at N3LL' matched to an approximate N3LO. The main part of the talk will focus on finite $b$-mass effects arising from the bottom-loop in gluon-fusion Higgs production in the Higgs $q_T$ spectrum. In contrast to the cases of the $H \to \gamma \gamma$ decay or the $gg \to H$ form factor investigated previously at amplitude level, in this case the nontrivial $b$-mass effects are also resolved by real emissions and have to be considered within the context of $q_T$ factorization and resummation. I consider the various hierarchies between $m_b$ and $q_T$ and $m_H$, leading to different factorization setups.