Block Course: Advanced Methods for Collider Physics (Part II)

Detailed info on the course plan can be found on the course website:
The course is organized in collaboration with the TUM and has been conceived targeted to advanced master's and PhD students, but interested postdocs are, of course, welcome to join.
A summary of the topics covered over the two weeks (W1 and W2) is:
  • introduction (W1): review of QCD Feynman rules and basics of scattering amplitudes
  • loop amplitudes (W1):  tensor decomposition and scalar integrals, integration-by-parts identities and differential equations, canonical bases, iterated integrals and different types of special functions (MPL), Frobenius method and asymptotic expansion
  • from amplitudes to observables (W2): perturbative corrections, soft and collinear singularities, infrared finiteness and partonic cross sections, Higgs-boson production at NLO-QCD as a case study
  • QCD phenomenology at the LHC (W2): proton structure and PDFs, basics of Monte Carlo integration, Jets and Hadrons, fragmentation functions
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