WHIZARD Tutorial

MPP, Room 339

MPP, Room 339

Christian Speckner (University Freiburg), Thomas Reiter (MPP)
The program package WHIZARD is treelevel Monte-Carlo event generator geared towards the fast generation of parton level events for multiparticle final states. This tutorial will give an introduction to the basic usage of the program for generating and analyzing event samples together with an outlook on the more advanced features of WHIZARD. Please bring your own laptop if you want to participate in the excercises. A virtual machine with a linux installation including WHIZARD and all necessary prerequesites is being prepared and will be available under http://www.mpp.mpg.de/~reiterth/whizard/ tomorrow. In order to use the machine, you'll have to install Virtualbox which is usually available from the package repository of your linux distribution or from https://www.virtualbox.org/ for mac and windows. In order to use the machine, start virtualbox and select "Import Appliance" from the "File" menu. Be aware that this will be a ~3GB download, so it is advisable to do it via ethernet before the tutorial starts.
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