Arnold Sommerfeld School / Block Course: New Methods for Field Theory Amplitudes

Lecture hall: A348/349 (3rd floor) (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics)

Lecture hall: A348/349 (3rd floor)

Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics

Lecture hall: A348/349 (3rd floor) Theresienstr. 37 80333 München
Dieter Lüst (LMU/MPP), Michael Haack (LMU), Stefan Hofmann (LMU), Stephan Stieberger (MPP)
Lecturers: - Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Institute) - John Joseph Carrasco (Stanford University) - David Kosower (Saclay University) - Pierpaolo Mastrolia (MPI Munich and Padua University)
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