Nevertheless, as general guides for the power up sequence: - First, you have to switch on the electronics, in a random way if you want, but making sure that no current from the DEPFET is flowing into the DCDB, meaning that you have to keep Source off. - Then, you can configure the chips. - Finally, you can ramp up the clear and gate and finally, source. As a precaution, you should make first GateON=GateOFF before switching the Source on. Only move the GateOn to the final voltage after setting Source to the 7V nominal. Here you have the list of "standard" voltages: DHP1.2=1.2V DHP1.8=1.8V DCDAmpLow=1.55V DCDRefIn=1.2V VDDA=1.9V VDDD=1.8V ClearGate=-2V Bulk=-10V Source=7V VDD/Vref=3.3V Backplane=-18V Drift=-3V ClearHigh=22V ClearLow=19V GateHigh=3.0 GateLow=-6.45V Best regards, Carlos