MPP Colloquium

Geoneutrino measurements with Borexino

by Dr Livia Ludhova (RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Auditorium (MPI fuer Physik)


MPI fuer Physik

Neutrino geoscience is a newly born interdisciplinary field having as its main aim determination of the Earth’s radiogenic heat through measurement of antineutrinos released in decays of long-lived radioactive elements inside the Earth, so called geoneutrinos. In fact, such measurements are a unique direct way how to pin-down this key element for many geophysical and geochemical Earth’s models. The large volume liquid scintillator detectors, originally built to measure neutrinos or anti-neutrinos from other sources, are capable to detect geoneutrinos, as it was demonstrated by KamLAND (Japan) and Borexino (Italy). Several future experiments as SNO+ or JUNO have their measurements among the prime scientific goals. The colloquium will cover the status-of-art of this new field, while giving a more detailed overview of the latest Borexino results.