Theory Seminar

Evaluating Feynman integrals by differential equations

by Vladimir A. Smirnov (SINP, Moscow State University)



Differential equations are used to evaluate master integrals for families of Feynman integrals. The strategy based on a transition to a uniformly transcendental basis of master integrals is applied. A four-loop conformal integral, i.e. an integral over four four-dimensional coordinates, is evaluated by turning to its dimensionally regularized version and applying differential equations for the set of the corresponding 213 master integrals. A solution to these equations up to weight eight is found in terms of multiple polylogarithms. An analytical result for the given four-loop conformal integral is obtained in terms of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. The three-loop Feynman integral which was the last missing ingredient for the analytical evaluation of the three-loop quark static potential is evaluated with differential equations by introducing an auxiliary parameter $y$, which corresponds to the residual energy in some of the HQET propagators. Differential equations for the corresponding 109 master integrals are solved by turning to a uniformly transcendental basis, and boundary conditions are found from the asymptotic behaviour in the limit of large y. The original integral is recovered at y=0.