11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors

Main Auditorium (Wildbad Kreuth)

Main Auditorium

Wildbad Kreuth

    • 1
      Welcome Address Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      Speaker: Silvia Masciocchi (GSI)
    • Large Detector Systems Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 2
        ATLAS Silicon Pixel and Strip Detector: Commissioning with Cosmics Data
        Speaker: Maria Fiascaris (Oxford University)
      • 3
        The CMS pixel detector and challenges(prospectives) for its upgrade
        Speaker: Alice Bean (University of Kansas)
      • 4
        The Silicon Drift Detector of the ALICE experiment
        Speaker: Mario Sitta (Università del Piemonte Orientale and INFN Torino)
      • 5
        Hybrid pixel detector with epitaxial silicon sensors and readout in 130 nm CMOS technology for PANDA
        Speaker: Daniela Calvo (INFN-Sezione Torino)
    • New Detector Devices Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 6
        Demonstration of ISIS technology for ILC vertex detector
        Speaker: Chris John Damerell (Rutherford Appleton Lab)
      • 7
        Development of Silicon Blocked Impurity Band (BIB) detectors with integrated linear amplification
        Speaker: Valentin Philipp Fedl (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 8
        Large monolithic particle pixel-detector in high-voltage CMOS technology
        Speaker: Ivan Peric (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
      • 9
        Narrow band resonant cavity enhanced detectors for 3 - 10 um wavelength
        Speaker: Hans Zogg (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
      • 10
        Silicon Detectors for the SLHC - an Overview of Recent RD50 Results
        Speaker: Alexander Dierlamm (Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany)
    • Coffee Break and Poster Session I Molkehalle


      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 11
        A high rate low radiation length Micro-Vertex-Detector for the PANDA experiment Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Tobias Stockmanns (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
      • 12
        A Novel Guard Ring Structure and its Effect on SiPM Fill Factor Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Hyoungtaek Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
      • 13
        A Silicon Device for the Radiation Quality Assessment in Protontherapy Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Alberto Fazzi (Politecnico di Milano)
      • 14
        Advancements in the Development of Deep-Submicron SOI Monolithic Pixels Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Devis Contarato (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 15
        Beryllium X-Ray Detection with New Vortex® SDD Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Valeri D Saveliev (SII NanoTechnology USA, Inc.)
      • 16
        Characterization of CMOS Position Sensitive Solid-State Photomultipliers Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Mickel McClish (Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc.)
      • 17
        Data Quality Monitoring for CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Alexander Linn (RWTH Aachen)
      • 18
        Development of a CMOS Opto-Process for Particle and Radiation Detection Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Daniel Durini (Fraunhofer IMS)
      • 19
        Development of silicon double sided strip detectors for ion spectroscopy and tracking at EXL experiment of FAIR program at GSI Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Vladimir Eremin (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 20
        Dosimetric characteristics of a PIN diode for radiotherapy application Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Rajesh Kumar (BARC)
      • 21
        Electrical simulations of silicon pixel sensors under development for the upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Giovanni Marchiori (LPNHE)
      • 22
        Expanding the Detection Efficiency of Silicon Drift Detectors for Various Applications Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Dieter Schlosser (PNSensor GmbH)
      • 23
        Experiments with fast spectroscopic pnCCDs at BESSY and FLASH VUV-FEL Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Christian Reich (PNSensor)
      • 24
        First Qualification and Selection of the eROSITA PNCCDs Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Gabriele Schächner (Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor)
      • 25
        Geiger Mode Avalanche Photo-diode Readout for a Muon Detector based on Extruded Scintillator Bars Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Gianluigi Cibinetto (Ferrara University - INFN)
      • 26
        Improvement of Fill Factor and Dynamic Range of SiPM Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Chaehun Lee (KAIST)
      • 27
        Large Area Silicon Drift Chambers for Large Area Experiments in X-ray Astronomy Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Gianluigi Zampa (INFN)
      • 28
        New silicon microstrip detectors optimized for infrared track alignment Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Marcos Fernandez-Garcia (IFCA-Santander)
      • 29
        On exploiting commercial CMOS technologies for a latchup-based particle detector Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Alessandro Gabrielli (INFN and University of Bologna)
      • 30
        Performance evaluation of 3D-DDTC detectors on p-type substrates Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (University of Trento)
      • 31
        Radiation hard design of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Michael Deveaux (Goethe University Frankfurt)
      • 32
        Radiation hardness of the CMS pixel modules Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Tilman Rohe (Paul Scherrer Institute)
      • 33
        Requirements of a modular readout system for 1D Detectors for European XFEL Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Inma Ramos-Lerate (European XFEL)
      • 34
        Results from a 64-pixel PIN-diode detector system for low-energy beta-electrons Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Sascha Wüstling (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
      • 35
        Results from the commissioning of the ATLAS pixel detector with cosmics data Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Simone Montesano (Università degli Studi and INFN (Milano))
      • 36
        Surface scan of Hamamatsu 1 x 4 SiPM array Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Jozef Pulko (Klinikum recht der Isar der TU München)
      • 37
        The ALICE Low Mass Hybrid Silicon Pixel Detector Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Petra Riedler (CERN)
      • 38
        The Impact Ionization MOSFET (IMOS) as Low-Voltage Optical Detector Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Martin Schlosser (University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich)
      • 39
        The NA62 Gigatracker: detector properties and pixel read-out architectures Main Auditorium

        Main Auditorium

        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Massimiliano Fiorini (CERN)
      • 40
        Time and position single photons identification with SPAD arrays Molkehalle


        Wildbad Kreuth

        Speaker: Salvatore Tudisco (INFN IT, Italy)
    • New Detector Devices - APS Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 41
        Improved radiation tolerance of MAPS using a depleted epitaxial layer
        Speaker: Andrei Dorokhov (IPHC)
      • 42
        Development of Fast and Radiation Tolerant Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors With Column Parallel Readout
        Speaker: Michal Koziel (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
      • 43
        Radiation Hard CMOS Monolithic Pixels for Electron Microscopy
        Speaker: Devis Contarato (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 44
        Progress in Development of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor in SOI Technology
        Speaker: Wojciech Kucewicz (Department of Electronics, AGH-University of Science and Technology)
    • 13:10
      Lunch Break Dining Hall

      Dining Hall

      Wildbad Kreuth

    • New Detector Devices - DEPFETs Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 45
        Performance and spectroscopic behaviour of DePFET macropixels
        Speaker: Thomas Lauf (MPI Halbleiterlabor, Germany)
      • 46
        MIXS on BepiColombo and its DEPFET based Focal Plane Instrumentation
        Speaker: Johannes Treis (MPI for Solar System Research and MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 47
        A DEPFET Sensor Array for the SuperBelle Vertex Detector
        Speaker: Rainer H. Richter (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 48
        The Wide-Field Imager on the International X-ray Observatory
        Speaker: Alexander Stefanescu (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 49
        DEPFET Sensor with Intrinsic Signal Compression Developed for Use at the XFEL Synchrotron Radiation Source
        Speaker: Gerhard Lutz (PNSensor GmbH, Germany)
    • Coffee Break and Poster Session II Molkehalle


      Wildbad Kreuth

      For the contributions please see Poster Session I

    • Applications Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 50
        The Miniaturised Mössbauer Spectrometer MIMOS IIA: Increased Sensitivity and New Capability for Elemental Analysis
        Speaker: Göstar Klingelhöfer (University Mainz)
      • 51
        HICAM: a gamma camera for nuclear medicine based on silicon drift photodetectors
        Speaker: Carlo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano - INFN)
      • 52
        Recent achievements on Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton cameras
        Speaker: Hirokazu Odaka (ISAS/JAXA)
      • 53
        Experimental and theoretical study of the signal electron motion in fully depleted silicon
        Speaker: Nils Kimmel (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
    • An Evening with XFEL Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 54
        X-ray Free Electron Lasers
        Speaker: Jerome Hastings (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, LCLS)
    • SDD Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 55
        Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors: 2D detector response mapping and electron cloud profiling
        Speaker: Andrea Castoldi (Politecnico di Milano and INFN, sez. Milano)
      • 56
        New Detector Architectures for X-ray Spectroscopy based on Silicon Drift Detectors with integrated FET
        Speaker: Adrian Niculae (PNSensor GmbH)
      • 57
        Development of arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors for extraterrestrial X-Ray Spectrometer
        Speaker: Pavel Rehak (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 58
        New Developments of SiPMs
        Speaker: Jelena Ninkovic (Max Planck Institute for Physics, MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 59
        Advances in CMOS Solid-state Photomultipliers for Scintillation Detector Application
        Speaker: James Francis Christian (Radiation Monitoring Devices)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

    • pnCCD Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 60
        10 years of pnCCDs aboard XMM-Newton - 10 years of operational experience in space
        Speaker: Lothar W.J. Strueder (MPI HLL)
      • 61
        Avalanche-Amplifying High-Speed pnCCD with Optical Single-Photon Sensitivity for Astronomical Observations
        Speaker: Ivan Ordavo (PNSensor GmbH)
      • 62
        A fast pnCCD for optical applications
        Speaker: Sebastian Ihle (PNSensor GmbH)
      • 63
        Development of the focal plane PNCCD camera system for the X-ray space telescope eROSITA
        Speaker: Norbert Meidinger (MPE)
    • 12:40
      Lunch Break Dining Hall

      Dining Hall

      Wildbad Kreuth

    • Social Event - Excursion TBD


      Wildbad Kreuth

    • 25 Years of Silicon Drift Detectors Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 64
        Happy Birthday Silicon Drift Detector: Celebrating the First 25 Years
        Speaker: Chiara Guazzoni (Politecnico di Milano and INFN - Sezione di Milano)
      • 65
        SDDs on Planetary Mission to Mars
        Speaker: Göstar Klingelhöfer (Mainz University)
    • Photon Science - XFEL Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 66
        DEPFET Sensor with Signal Compression: a Large Format X-ray Imager with Mega-Frame Readout Capability for the European XFEL
        Speaker: Matteo Porro (Max-Planck Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik and MPI Halbleiterlabor, Germany)
      • 67
        Challenges in chip design for the AGIPD detector
        Speaker: Xintian Shi (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
      • 68
        LPD silicon pixel detector for XFEL
        Speaker: Paul Seller (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom)
      • 69
        Characterisation of an adaptive gain silicon microstrip readout chip.
        Speaker: Aldo Mozzanica (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 70
        Large Format Imaging Detectors for X-ray Free-Electron-Lasers
        Speaker: Robert Hartmann (PNSensor GmbH, Germany)
    • Coffee Break and Poster Session III Molkehalle


      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 71
        A Fast Event-Preprocessor and Sequencer for the Simbol-X Low Energy Detector
        Speaker: Chris Tenzer (University of Tuebingen)
      • 72
        A planar position sensitive Si(Li)-detector for Compton polarimetry and Compton imaging
        Speaker: Uwe Spillmann (GSI)
      • 73
        Capacitance and electric field analytical calculations in strip semiconductor detectors
        Speaker: Paolo Walter Cattaneo (INFN Pavia)
      • 74
        Characterisation of an adaptive gain silicon microstrip readout chip.
        Speaker: Aldo Mozzanica (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 75
        Comparative study of PIN photodiodes for a low energy X-ray sensor between manufactured with three diverse wafer resistivity
        Speaker: Shin-Woong Park (Korea University)
      • 76
        Comparison of events reconstruction techniques in imaging detectors based on signal sharing
        Speaker: Carlo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano - INFN)
      • 77
        Computer Simulation of Radiation Defect in Nanosandwich for Detection Applications
        Speaker: Arkady Ilyin (Kazakh National University)
      • 78
        Current Readout strategy for XFEL DEPFET detector
        Speaker: Carlo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano - INFN)
      • 79
        DAQ system for pixel detectors R&D
        Speaker: Piero Giubilato (LBNL)
      • 80
        Duo-lateral 2D position-sensitive radiation (particle) detectors made of single crystal CVD diamond
        Speaker: Michal Pomorski (CEA-Sacaly)
      • 81
        Encapsulated Germanium Detector with Electromechanical Cooling
        Speaker: Ivan Kojouharov (GSI)
      • 82
        Enhanced radiation tolerance of Si detectors by addition of gold impurities: A simulation study
        Speaker: Ariel Pablo Cedola (National University of La Plata)
      • 83
        Epitaxial GaAs for X-ray detection
        Speaker: Jacques Bourgoin (GESEC R&D Inc.)
      • 84
        Fabrication of p-CdTe Schottky Detectors with Low Surface Leakage Current
        Speaker: Palat Ushasree Meethale (Durham University)
      • 85
        Full differential front-end electronic for CMOS detectors.
        Speaker: Piotr Sitek
      • 86
        Impact of detector parameters on Light Charged Particle identification through pulse-shape analysis
        Speaker: Andrea Castoldi (Politecnico di Milano)
      • 87
        Improved Coincidence Rejection For Silicon Drift Detectors
        Speaker: Richard Mott (PulseTor LLC)
      • 88
        Introducing 65 nm CMOS technology in low-noise read-out of semiconductor detectors
        Speaker: Massimo Manghisoni (University of Bergamo)
      • 89
        Investigation of Lead Telluride Schottky Diode for Nuclear Radiation Detector Application
        Speaker: Geehyun Kim (University of Michigan)
      • 90
        Modelling the generation and dynamics of signal electrons in pixelized Si X-ray detectors
        Speaker: Georg Weidenspointner (HLL - MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 91
        Nano5 - advancing radiation and particle transport schemes in Geant4
        Speaker: Georg Weidenspointner (HLL - MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 92
        NIR sensitivity enhancement by Laser Treatment for Si Detectors
        Speaker: Koei Yamamoto (Hamamatsu Photonics k.k)
      • 93
        Noise analysis of the Charge Sensitive Amplifier(CSA) for Photodetection
        Speaker: Shin-Woong Park (Korea University)
      • 94
        Performance of n^+-in-n Pixel Sensors at Highest Fluences
        Speaker: Daniel Muenstermann (TU Dortmund)
      • 95
        Planar and Semi-Planar Segmented HPGe Detectors for DESPEC Imaging Gamma-Array
        Speaker: Ivan Kojouharov (GSI)
      • 96
        Planar Si(Li) detectors with a large active volume
        Speaker: Viacheslav Sandukovsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Rsearch)
      • 97
        Proposal of a fast readout logic for large pixel devices
        Speaker: Alessandro Gabrielli (INFN and University of Bologna)
      • 98
        Readout ASICs for Silicon Drift Detectors
        Speaker: Carlo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano - INFN)
      • 99
        Rietveld Refinement for the Crystal Structure of Ga2Se3
        Speaker: Konstantin Savchenko (National Scientific Center “ISSAR”, NAAS of Ukraine)
      • 100
        Simulative analysis of Backscatter Factors(BSFs) for low energy X-ray
        Speaker: Sunwoo Yuk (Korea Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Engineering Center)
      • 101
        Study of frequency-dependent interstrip admittance in silicon microstrip detectors
        Speaker: Gabriele Giacomini (FBK-irst)
      • 102
        Study of p-type fast neutron irradiated silicon diodes
        Speaker: Oleksiy Lytovchenko (INFN, Padova)
      • 103
        Surface Characterisation and Treatment Evaluation of Germanium Crystals
        Speaker: Tobias Engert (GSI)
      • 104
        Surface morphology and structure of porous silicon fabricated by vapor phase chemical etching
        Speaker: Diana Adliene (Kaunas University of Technology)
      • 105
        Temperature dependence of AlGaAs soft X-ray detectors
        Speaker: Aidan Matthew Barnett (University of Leicester)
      • 106
        The CdTe and CdZnTe single crystals growth essential X-ray imaging
        Speaker: Marina Dmitrievna Pavlyuk (Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 107
        The readout electronics for eROSITA pnCCD testing
        Speaker: Johannes Elbs (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
      • 108
        The Research of Polarization in CdTe P-I-N Detectors and Development of Detecting Units for High Resolution Spectroscopy
        Speaker: Yury Petukhov (Center of Radiation and Nuclear Safety (RNIIRP) Ltd)
      • 109
        The van Roosbroeck system, its mathematical properties, their use in simulation tools, and detector simulation examples
        Speaker: Klaus Gärtner (WIAS-Berlin)
      • 110
        Theoritical characterization of neutron semiconductor detector
        Speaker: Djelloul Benzaid
    • Read-Out Electronics Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 111
        Development of a low-noise ASIC for SDD-based x-ray spectrometers
        Speaker: Gianluigi De Geronimo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 112
        Read-out Electronics for DEPFET Pixel Detectors at SuperBelle
        Speaker: Hans Krüger (University of Bonn)
      • 113
        High-speed multi-channel readout of X-ray CCD using analog ASIC
        Speaker: Hiroshi Nakajima (Osaka University)
      • 114
        130nm CMOS Mixed Signal Readout ASIC of the DEPFET Sensor with Signal Compression for the European XFEL
        Speaker: Peter Fischer (Uni Heidelberg)
      • 115
        Experimental results on ASTEROID and VELA: two 64 channel ASICs for the readout of DEPFET arrays for X-ray astronomy
        Speaker: Giulio De Vita (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
    • 13:20
      Lunch Break Dining Hall

      Dining Hall

      Wildbad Kreuth

    • System Integration Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 116
        Development of Vertically Integrated Circuits for Particle Detectors
        Speaker: Marcel Trimpl (Fermilab)
      • 117
        Vertically integrated deep n-well CMOS MAPS with sparsification capabilities for thin charged particle trackers
        Speaker: Lodovico Ratti (University of Pavia)
      • 118
        Application of Si-strip technology to x-ray diffraction instrumentation
        Speaker: Ekkehard K Gerndt (Bruker AXS)
      • 119
        New opportunities with Single-Photon Counting Pixel Detectors for Scientific Applications
        Speaker: Christian Broennimann (DECTRIS Ltd., Switzerland)
    • Coffee Break and Poster Session IV Molkehalle


      Wildbad Kreuth

      For the contributions please see Poster Session III

    • Defects in Semiconductors and Radiation Tolerance Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 120
        Study of the Radiation Hardness of Silicon Sensors for the XFEL
        Speaker: Eckhart Fretwurst (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Hamburg)
      • 121
        Charge collection studies of radiation damaged n- and p-type epitaxial silicon detectors
        Speaker: Jörn Lange (University of Hamburg)
      • 122
        The impact of neutral base region on the collected charge in heavily irradiated silicon detectors
        Speaker: Elena Verbitskaya (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 123
        Efficiency of segmented silicon detectors of various thicknesses after hadron irradiations up to 2E16 n/cm2
        Speaker: Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool)
      • 124
        Plasma effects in silicon detectors for the European XFEL and their impact on sensor performance
        Speaker: Julian Becker (University of Hamburg)
    • Non-Silicon Devices Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      • 125
        Organic based photodetectors: suitability for X- and gamma-rays sensing application
        Speaker: Marco Sampietro (Politecnico di Milano)
      • 126
        Single Crystal CVD Diamond Detectors for Position, Intensity and Timing Measurements of Synchrotron X-ray beams
        Speaker: John Morse (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
      • 127
        CZT detectors for high energy astrophysics
        Speaker: Irfan Kuvvetli (National Space Institute)
    • 11:10
      Coffee Break Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

    • 128
      Conference Summary Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      Wildbad Kreuth

      Speaker: Pier Francesco Manfredi (LBNL, USA)