LArgOnline: Currently the actual TDAQ 01-04 is merged with LArgOnline. The EMF installation now integrated with Atlas control network in USA15. Part (half) of the ROD crates/partition masters online (Network extension needed to get all connected). DAQ/DCS interconnection in progress, but needs still work. Online Database Interconnection: Until now, all online parameters are in XML and text files local. For most configuration parameters this will be kept. All parameters used will be put into conditions Database. Data loaded FROM condDB: FEB parameters Calibration constants for DSPs DB software implementation until Febr.06: using COOL protocol, no more NOVA support (move of NOVA DB in preparation). Inside LArgOnline: write DB "plugin", which loops over all configured modules, assembles parameters, sends to DB. At configuration time: get FEB/calib parameters, checks validity periode at run start. -- J.Huber