Theory Seminar

Swiss Cheese Phenomenology and the Cosmo-Pheno Reconciliation

by Aalok Misra (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)



With the inclusion of perturbative alpha' corrections and their modular completion as well as non-perturbative instanton contributions in the context of type IIB compactifications on Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau orientifolds, after a quick review of our work on large volume cosmology including obtaining a metastable dS vacuum, showing the possibility of axionic slow-roll inflation with the required 60 e-foldings as well as the non-Gaussianities parameter f_{NL}~0.01 and tensor-scalar ratio r~0.001 with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum, we discuss our setup - a mobile space-time filling D3-brane and a (stack of) space-time filling D7-brane(s) wrapping the "big" divisor - to discuss issues in large volume/Swiss-Cheese phenomenology. The same includes a proposal to provide a geometric resolution of a long-standing tension between large volume cosmology and phenomenology of obtaining different gravitino masses, a very heavy in the inflationary era and a light in the present era, in the same string theoretic setup, calculation of the geometric Kaehler potential for the big and small divisors in terms of Siegel theta functions of higher genera, evaluation of soft SUSY parameters, using solutions to one-loop squark/slepton mass RG equations in MSSM-like models showing the greater ease in satisfying the FCNC constraints, possibility of the evaluation of the first two generations' fermion masses and finally obtaining 0.5 eV neutrino (Majorana) masses.