Theory Seminar

Thawing Dark Energy Models with nearly Flat Potentials

by Anjan Sen

The thawing quintessence model with a nearly flat potential provides a natural mechanism to produce an equation of state parameter, w, close to -1 today. We examine the behavior of such models for the case in which the potential satisfies the slow roll conditions: [(1/V)(dV/dphi)]^2 << 1 and (1/V)(d^2 V/dphi^2) << 1, and we derive the analog of the slow-roll approximation for the case in which both matter and a scalar field contribute to the density. We consider both ordinary scalar fields as well as fields having DBI type kinetic energy. We show that in this limit, all such models converge to a unique relation between 1+w, Omega_phi, and the initial value of (1/V)(dV/dphi). We derive this relation, and use it to determine the corresponding expression for w(a), which depends only on the present-day values for w and Omega_phi. Later on, we relax the slow-roll approximation and study in a general way the cosmological evolution with thawing scalar fields. We also put constraint on the background cosmology using various observational data.