Theory Seminar

Expansion of the Yang-Mills Hamiltonian in spatial derivatives and glueball spectrum

by Hans-Peter Pavel (TU Darmstadt / JINR Dubna)



After a general review of the experimental and theoretical status of the physics of glueballs, a new theoretical method for the calculation of the glueball spectrum is presented. Using the symmetric gauge \epsilon_ijk A_jk =0, a strong coupling expansion of the SU(2) Yang-Mills Hamiltonian is carried out in the form of an expansion in the number of spatial derivatives. Introducing an infinite spatial lattice with box length a, a systematic expansion of the Hamiltonian in \lambda=g^(-2/3) is obtained, with the free part being the sum of Hamiltonians of Yang-Mills quantum mechanics of constant fields for each box, and interaction terms of higher and higher number spatial derivatives connecting different boxes. The corresponding deviation from the free glueball spectrum, obtained earlier for the case of the Yang-Mills quantum mechanics of spatially constant fields, is calculated using perturbation theory in \lambda. Its relation to the renormalisation of the coupling constant in the IR is discussed, indicating the absence of infrared fixed points.