Theory Seminar

Micromanaging de Sitter Holography

by Bart Chisolm Horn (Stanford University)



One current goal of string theory is to formulate a holographic description of inflating spacetimes. I will discuss recent work engineering "semi-holographic" constructions of de Sitter space in string theory, using elliptic fibrations and orientifolds to uplift known Freund-Rubin compactifications. The dual brane construction is compact and provides a microscopic realization of the dS/dS correspondence, realizing de Sitter space in d dimensions as a warped compactification down to d-1 dimensional de Sitter space coupled to a pair of large N matter sectors. This provides a parametric microscopic accounting of the Gibbons-Hawking entropy. I will discuss an explicit example in three dimensions as well as ongoing work in four dimensions.