Theory Seminar

A tale of two packages, pfd-parallel and NeatIBP, for multi-loop computations

by Yang Zhang

Main/2-313 - 313 (Main)

Main/2-313 - 313

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In this talk, we are glad to introduce two packages, pfd-parallel and NeatIBP, based on computational algebraic geometry, aiming at cutting-edge computations for multi-loop Feynman integrals. The former one, powered by Singular and the massive parallelization framework GPI/space, implements multivariate partial fraction algorithms for simplifying analytic coefficients in multi-loop computations. The latter one which implements the syzygy/Module intersection IBP method in a parallelized way, can generate much shorter IBP systems comparing with those from Laporta algorithm. Several nontrivial examples would be presented with the two packages.