IMPRS Recruiting Workshop
Monday, November 13, 2023 -
9:00 AM
Monday, November 13, 2023
9:00 AM
Steffen Frank
Steffen Frank
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
9:10 AM
R&D of Dark Matter Cryogenic Detectors for the CRESST Experiment: Study of Impacts of an Aluminium Layer as a Shield against Magnetic Fields
Marco Zanirato
Univ. of Milan-Bicocca
R&D of Dark Matter Cryogenic Detectors for the CRESST Experiment: Study of Impacts of an Aluminium Layer as a Shield against Magnetic Fields
Marco Zanirato
Univ. of Milan-Bicocca
9:10 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
9:30 AM
Temperature and Strain Measurements With Optical Fibers in the Cryogenic Temperature Range
Clemens Dittmar
RWTH Aachen
Temperature and Strain Measurements With Optical Fibers in the Cryogenic Temperature Range
Clemens Dittmar
RWTH Aachen
9:30 AM - 9:50 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
9:50 AM
Impact ionization in the AWAKE experiment
Arthur Clairembaud
Univ. Paris-Saclay/Univ. La Sapienza Rome
Impact ionization in the AWAKE experiment
Arthur Clairembaud
Univ. Paris-Saclay/Univ. La Sapienza Rome
9:50 AM - 10:10 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
10:10 AM
High-temperature superconducting demonstrator magnets for particle detectors
Joep Van den Eijnden
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech.
High-temperature superconducting demonstrator magnets for particle detectors
Joep Van den Eijnden
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech.
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
11:00 AM
Studying the $\rho(770)$ Resonance with COMPASS $\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ Data Using the Freed-Isobar Method
Martin Bartl
Studying the $\rho(770)$ Resonance with COMPASS $\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ Data Using the Freed-Isobar Method
Martin Bartl
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
11:20 AM
High Level Trigger Optimization Studies in the ATLAS search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the HH to bb tautau channel
Athul Sudhakar Ponnu
Univ. of Göttingen
High Level Trigger Optimization Studies in the ATLAS search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the HH to bb tautau channel
Athul Sudhakar Ponnu
Univ. of Göttingen
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
11:40 AM
Search for vector-like leptons coupling to first and second generation leptons in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector
Elena Cuppini
TU Dortumund, Univ. Bologna/Clermont Auvergne
Search for vector-like leptons coupling to first and second generation leptons in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector
Elena Cuppini
TU Dortumund, Univ. Bologna/Clermont Auvergne
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
12:00 PM
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
1:30 PM
Cosmic Rays: from the Galaxy and beyond
Keito Watanabe
Univ. of Cologne
Cosmic Rays: from the Galaxy and beyond
Keito Watanabe
Univ. of Cologne
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
1:50 PM
Two-Higgs Doublet Model Matched to Nonlinear Effective Theory
Florian König
Two-Higgs Doublet Model Matched to Nonlinear Effective Theory
Florian König
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
2:10 PM
Soft and collinear scales in Higgs boson production
Mattia Capuano
Univ. of Milan
Soft and collinear scales in Higgs boson production
Mattia Capuano
Univ. of Milan
2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
2:30 PM
False vacuum decay of excited states from finite-time instantons
Nils Wagner
False vacuum decay of excited states from finite-time instantons
Nils Wagner
2:30 PM - 2:50 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
2:50 PM
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
2:50 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps
3:00 PM
Introduction to the IMPRS EPP
Frank Steffen
Introduction to the IMPRS EPP
Frank Steffen
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM
Room: A.1.01/03 - Alps