2nd Joint Majorana/GERDA Monte Carlo Meeting

313 (MPI fuer Physik)


MPI fuer Physik

Foehringer Ring 6 D-80805 Munich Germany
Second joint Majorana/GERDA Monte Carlo Meeting in connection with the GERDA collaboration Meeting at Ringberg Castle
  • Thursday, 15 February
    • 09:00 10:30
      Session I
      • 09:00
        Welcome 5m
        Speaker: Mr Kevin Kroeninger (MPI fuer Physik)
      • 09:05
        MaGe as seen from the user's point of view 15m
        Speaker: Dusan Budjas
      • 09:20
        Simulation of background reduction techniques in Ge DBD detectors 30m
        Speaker: Hector Gomez
      • 09:50
        Bulk contamination and segmentation efficiency studies 25m
        Speaker: Reyco Henning
      • 10:15
        MC codes intercomparison for material screening 15m
        Speaker: Dusan Budjas
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:05
      Session II
      • 11:00
        Installation of MaGe at Heidelberg and CLHEP 2.x.x 20m
        Speaker: Gil Bonvini
      • 11:20
        New aspects and new user requirements: geometries and materials from files 20m
        Speaker: Luciano Pandola
      • 11:40
        MaGe validation using gamma-ray data 25m
        Speaker: Mr Kevin Kroeninger (MPI fuer Physik)
    • 12:05 14:00
      Lunch 1h 55m
    • 14:00 15:40
      Session III
      • 14:00
        Neutron production with MaGe 25m
        Speaker: Mike Marino
      • 14:25
        MaGe validation using neutron data (AmBe) 25m
        Speaker: Jing Liu
      • 14:50
        MaGe studies using neutron data from AmBe source 25m
        Speaker: Alexis Schubert
      • 15:15
        Alpha surface contamination: simulation and data 25m
        Speaker: Rob Johnson
    • 15:40 16:15
      Break 35m
    • 16:15 17:30
      Discussion Session I
      General MaGe Paper: Right now only the one-page paper is the way to cite MaGe. Also there will be a Neutrinos06 one-pager. Need to write a paper, and there needs to be validation since the referee will not accept a paper without experimental validation. A potential experiment could involve a Munich Test Stand. Also the paper could quote work that has been done and hopefully will be published. Kevin presents the general paper: This is an outline of how this paper will look in particular: I. Introduction II. Concept III. Structure of MaGe IV. Physics V. Features VI. Example: 18-fold segmented detector VII. Validation of the Simulation One section to quote examples (refer to papers) There is an n-type detector here at Muenchen could be enough to put in here. Reyco thinks there is a similar detector on the Majorana side to add to this. These together would be fairly nice. Kevin: The message would be that we have a well-verified framework which is good for low-background experiments. Reyco: This paper should be more focused on the framework, IMO. Daniel: Should fixes to Geant4 go in here as well? Reyco: Probably, it will be referenced, but also what would they do? Maybe distribute through Luciano to G4 to get comments. Kevin will edit the paper and be the editor. Maybe setup another cvs project to house this paper. Opening MaGe: should MaGe become an open-source software? Right now it is closed and dedicated to Majorana/GERDA. We would not provide support but rather provide it "as-is". A G4-based simulation for KamLand has been made publicly available. If we want to do this, how, etc....: This is much longer term. Reyco: If you want to open MaGe, you really need to offer something useful to the low-background community. I think it's not necessarily the case that we would provide anything really valuable. Maybe after we fix things like the neutrons? Also, even if there is no support people will ask questions. JFW: I think good version control is important before doing this. Reyco: My suggestion is to postpone this for about 6 months. Kevin: So KamLand developed something similar and now it's the standard? Luciano: Yes. Also the sampler is another thing that is useful. Reyco: I do think we should start versioning and get a release policy in place. Luciano slide: In any case a very strict release policy is necessary. Pulse shape simulation: Luciano: MaGe should work without this package. Avoid this dependency. Reyco: We've already done some of this, but the big deal is calculating the fields. We have a student at PNNL doing this, not sure how it's coming along. What we were planning on doing, was to use Maxwell3D to calculate fields plug-in to Gretina code in MaGe. Great thing for Jason to do if he goes to Berkeley- Build a pulse-shape simulation package. Kevin: I think we should have one approach. Reyco: So one package. Kevin: Yes. Reyco: I think we really want to do this by writing it ourselves. We don't have an analysis toolkit. Kevin: I think the analysis toolkits should be setup separately. MGM: It's important to have a shared data object that would interface with Pulse shape simulation, analysis, experimental data. Jason has done some work here, I've contributed a little. Maybe Jing and Jason can head this up. Kevin: I think AGATA has a very flexible set of software tools which calculates fields. Maybe we could use this? R: open? Kevin, Xiang: yes, we think so. Maybe we can make an official request. R: So, hopefully Jing on GERDA, Jason on Majorana can do this. Also, maybe we can look at AGATA. Kevin can you talk to these people and maybe we can explore this option? Jing, you can Jason should get in contact with Jason as soon as possible. ILIAS: Our relationship? They are interested in improving G4, I think it would be useful for us to join this. There is a meeting coming up; should be some attendees from MaGe. Luciano: I think ILIAS side is open to us. Kevin: So do we get something out of this? Luciano: Maybe we could get some travel money from ILIAS, but probably not in the present context of ILIAS. If you want to get money from the EU, you have to provide a deliverable (i.e. open MaGe). R: From Majorana funding POV it is difficult to do this. Maybe we can make t his a discussion topic on our first "joint" call. Luciano: A money problem, hard to solve. So with ILIAS, do we an informal in volvement? R: Don't want to duplicate work, so ILIAS would probably be a good thing to do. Luciano: I know a few groups working on similar things to us. Maybe there are some patches we could use. R: Also we could bring patches to the table as well. Documetation of MaGe: For a new user it is not really easy to install MaGe. Difficult to do this without reading code. Daniel: What was thought: have a written documentation that would be separated into two parts Users: how to install without programming, etc. Developers: physics list, etc. doxygen code browser documentation. We have extracted the old DocBook into a latex file. This needs to be updated. R: Why not DocBook. Muenchen folks: Hard to install, use. Don't think sgml is under development. ACTION: Prioritize and distribute work SOON. Tested doxygen on code, which looks ok. We will write something as to how this will be done. We will also write some coding guidelines for this and for updating documentation. Also some of the header files need to have an updated format. We will install a code/header template into the MaGe CVS that people can make classes and header files out of. FORUM: Setup by Jing in yahoo groups. Xiang: I know there was a good setup before so that things which concerned ju st MaGe, GERDA, Majorana would be separated. Jing: I don't think it's a large enough user base to do this. Luciano: People use it, make comments. Invitation to Geant4: There will be a meeting in September (in the UK). There will be a specific session concerning low-background and underground physics. It would be good if someo ne other than Luciano could attend. (from Muenchen and from Majorana) Dates are 13-1 9 Sept 07. Concerning memory leak: Markus: Commenting out 4 lines of code concerning trajectory cured the mem ory leak. Should be fixed in MaGe.
      • 16:15
        GERDA experiment background due to holder system and detector radioactive contaminations. Phase I 15m
        Speaker: Alexander Klimenko
      • 16:30
        Discussion items 15m
        Speaker: Luciano Pandola
    • 17:30 18:00
      Break 30m
    • 18:00 19:00
      Discussion Session II
  • Friday, 16 February
    • 09:30 12:00
      Discussion Session III