Local Unitarity: Unite and Conquer Infrared Divergences

A.1.01/03 - Alps (New)

A.1.01/03 - Alps



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    • 11:00 12:30
      Local Unitarity: Unite and Conquer Infrared Divergences 1h 30m

      It is well-known that perturbative expansions of QFT observable suffer from infrared (IR) divergences both in the phase-space of real-emission contributions and in the loop amplitudes of virtual contributions.
      Traditionally, the two are handled separately through a combination of local subtraction counterterm and dimensional regularisation. Local Unitarity is an alternative formulation, using the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) theorem, and leveraging the Kinoshita–Lee–Nauenberg (KLN) cancellation pattern to achieve a direct cancellation of real-emission and loop IR divergences at the local level.
      Together with an automated local renormalization procedure based on the R-operation (~local BPHZ), the resulting expression is locally finite and thus amenable to a fully numerical integration at arbitrary perturbative orders and for processes with final-state singularities only.
      I will present an overview of the various ingredients involved in that construction and the challenges awaiting my new group at the University of Bern.
      A special emphasis will be put on the following more recent developments:
      a) Efficient momentum-space parameterization using tropical sampling.
      b) Fast and stable LTD integrated evaluations using the cross-free family representation.
      c) Threshold regularization using a subtraction method instead of contour deformations.

      Speaker: Prof. Valentin Hirschi (CERN)