One-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms: automation and applications

A.1.01/03 - Alps (New)

A.1.01/03 - Alps



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      One-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms: automation and applications

      The inclusion of ElectroWeak corrections in theoretical predictions at the LHC is becoming mandatory in order to match the accuracy of experimental measurements. It is a well-known fact that EW corrections develop an universal logarithmic growth when the process is characterised by large energy scales, known as "Sudakov enhancement”, or “Sudakov logarithms”. In this talk I will present some aspects related to EW Sudakov logarithms. I will start by outlining their automation in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO code, which makes it possible to compute EW corrections in this approximation for an arbitrary process. While presenting the automation, I will discuss some extension which has been included with respect to the seminal works by Ansgar Denner and Stefano Pozzorini, where the form of these logarighms has fist been derived for a general process. Afterwards, I will discuss two applications: first, the inclusion of approximate EW corrections in NLO+PS simulations; second, the impact of EW Sudakov logarithms for a scenario when physics beyond the SM is included.

      Speaker: Prof. Marco Zaro (University of Milan)