The purpose of the conference Black Holes & Cosmology is to bring together world-renowned experts as well as junior researchers working on theoretical and observational aspects of black holes, particularly (but not limited to) their rôle in cosmology.
Topics include:
- Dark Matter
- Structure Formation
- Primordial Black Holes
- Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
- Quantum Aspects of Black Holes
This event will take place at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik between the 5th and 9th of August 2025. We look forward to meet you!
The conference poster can be downloaded here.
Invited Speakers include (* = TBC):
- Andreas Albrecht* (UCD)
- Vijay Balasubramanian (UPenn)
- Earl Bellinger (Yale)
- Alessandra Buonanno* (AEI)
- Matt Caplan (ISU)
- Nico Cappelluti* (UM)
- Bernard Carr (QMUL)
- Sébastien Clesse (ULB)
- Nelson Christensen (Artemis & OCA)
- Gia Dvali (MPP & LMU)
- Alexander Dolgov (NSU & Unife)
- Netta Engelhardt (MIT)
- Glennys Farrar* (NYU)
- Enrique Gaztanaga (UoP)
- Sarah Geller (UCSC)
- Marat Gilfanov (MPA)
- Ruth Gregory (KCL)
- Eduardo Guendelman (BGU)
- Alan Guth* (MIT)
- Günther Hasinger (DZA)
- Michael Hawkins (ROE)
- Dan Hooper (UW)
- David Kaiser (MIT)
- Sasha Kashlinsky (NASA)
- William Kinney (UB)
- Alexander Kusenko (UCLA)
- Julien Lavalle (UoM)
- Guido Müller* (AEI)
- Priyamvada Natarajan (Yale)
- Samaya Nissanke* (UvA & GRAPPA)
- Mairi Sakellariadou (KCL)
- Lisa Randall* (Harvard)
- Luciano Rezzolla* (GU)
- Ravi Sheth (UPenn)
- Mark Trodden* (UPenn)
- Herman Verlinde (Princeton)
- Hai-Bo Yu (UCR)
Organisational Committee:
- Florian Kühnel (MPP & LMU) [Chair]
- Lárus Thorlacius (UI)
- Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti (UI)
- David Kaiser (MIT)
- AEI = Albert Einstein Institute
- BGU = Ben Gurion University
- DZA = Deutsches Zentrum für Astrophysik
- GRAPPA = Gravitation & Astroparticle Physics Amsterdam
- GU = Goethe University Frankfurt
- Harvard = Harvard University
- ISU = Illinois State University
- KCL = King's College London
- LMU = Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MPA = Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
- MPP = Max Planck Institute for Physics
- NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NSU = Novosibirsk State University
- NYU = New York University
- OCA = Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
- Princeton = Princeton University
- QMUL = Queen Mary University of London
- ROE = Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
- UB = University at Buffalo
- UCD = University of California, Davis
- UCLA = University of California, Los Angeles
- UCR =University of California, Riverside
- UCSC = University of California, Santa Cruz
- UI = University of Iceland
- ULB = Université Libre de Bruxelles
- UM = University of Miami
- Unife = University of Ferrara
- UoM = University of Montpellier
- UoP = University of Portsmouth
- UPenn = University of Pennsylvania
- UvA = University of Amsterdam
- UW = University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Yale = Yale University
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.