Session D
- Jochen Schieck (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and HEPHY)
Davide Franco
(Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie)
01/12/2015, 08:30
DarkSide-50 is a two-phase 50 kg liquid argon TPC, shielded by a liquid scintillator neutron veto and by a water Cherenkov muon veto, running at LNGS since October 2013. In the first run, DarkSide-50 operated with atmospheric argon (1,422 kg day exposure), collecting and completely rejecting about 16 millions of background events in the region of interest, mostly originating from 39Ar....
Ben Kilminster
(University of Zurich)
01/12/2015, 09:00
The DAMIC (Dark Matter In CCDs) experiment is an experiment using silicon sensors, with low-noise readout to detect dark matter. DAMIC is operated in SNOlab, and is currently being upgraded with 100 grams of thicker, lower noise CCDs, as well as improved shielding for DAMIC 100 which will be operational in 2016. I will discuss preliminary DAMIC 2014 results, expected DAMIC 100 results, and...
Nader Mirabolfathi
(Texas A&M University)
01/12/2015, 09:30
Using Neganov-Luke phonon amplification in very low temperature germanium detectors, CDMSlite is reaching unprecedented RMS resolution of 14 eVee and currently the most sensitive experiments for WIMPs of mass < 5 GeV/c^2. However to further improve the Neganov-Luke phonon gain, CDMSlite is currently limited to an applied electric field < 24 Volts/cm. Our recent studies points to the...
Tomer Volansky
(Tel Aviv University)
01/12/2015, 09:50