Session F
- Alejandro Ibarra (TUM)
Javier Redondo
(Zaragoza University)
01/12/2015, 14:30
The dark matter of the Universe could be made of ultralight particles.
In this talk I briefly review the motivation and status of the searches for well stablished candidates such as axions and recently described axion-like particles, dark photons and other “Exotica”. The search techniques involved are completely different than those employed for massive dark matter candidates, and indirect...
Bela Majorovits
(MPI Physik)
01/12/2015, 15:15
Axions are hypothetical low-mass bosons which are predicted to exist by the Peccei-Quinn mechanism that can explain the absence of CP-violating effects in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Axions could also provide the cold dark matter of the universe and as such are among the few particle candidates that solve simultaneously two major problems of nature. All existing experimental efforts focus on...
Sabine Roth
(Physics Department, Queen's University)
01/12/2015, 15:35
The existence of Dark Matter in our Universe is nowadays well established, however, its exact nature still remains unknown. The goal of the NEWS-SNO (New Experiments with Spheres in SNOLAB) project is to search for particle candidates in mass regions not yet accessible by existing experiments. The planned NEWS-SNO detector consists of a spherical TPC (time-projection-chamber) out of ultrapure...