Session C
- Leo Stodolsky (MPP)
Achim Gütlein
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
30/11/2015, 18:00
The dynamics of gallaxies and gallaxy clusters give many hints for the existence of cold dark matter. However, the nature of dark matter remains unknown and is subject to direct dark matter searches. Many of these searches focus on the observation of dark-matter particles scattering off target nuclei.
Several theories predict dark-matter particles interacting mainly with
the electrons of...
Alexander Merle
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
30/11/2015, 18:15
Given the absence of a clear WIMP signal, we have to seriously investigate alternative Dark Matter (DM) candidates. Sterile neutrinos with a mass of a few keV are such an alternative, which have to be produced in the early Universe by a mechanism different from ordinary thermal freeze-out.
After an introduction to the topic, I will review the different proposals on the market for sterile...