MPP Colloquium

From quantum-loops and penta-quarks: Physics of heavy quarks with LHCb

by Prof. Ullrich Uwer

Auditorium (MPI fuer Physik)


MPI fuer Physik

The Standard Model of Particle Physics is one of the most successful and best tested theories in physics. A few observations however, as e.g. the existence of dark matter and the baryon asymmetry of the universe, are unexplained within the theory and require new physics phenomena at energy scales beyond the currently tested limits. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) offers the unique possibility to search directly for new particles and new effects. The LHC also provides the possibility to indirectly probe new phenomena using precision measurements of rare mesons decays containing a heavy charm or bottom quark. Many rare decays of mesons with charm and beauty quarks are explained by quantum corrections. New particles could modify the predicted quantum loops and thus the decay properties of the mesons significantly. The comparison of precisely measured decay properties with exact Standard Model predictions provides a sensitive probe for new phenomena and particles with masses much above the directly accessible mass scales. The copious production of charm and beauty mesons at the LHC allows the measurement of the quantum corrections with a unique precision. The large production rates also allow searches for exotic hadron states with unusual quark content.