18–20 May 2016
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone
The Max-Planck-Institute for Physics is organizing a three-day symposium on "New Developments in Theoretical Particle Physics" during 18 - 20 May 2016 in Munich.

The aim of this symposium is to bring together leading experts to assess recent developments and to present their ideas on future directions in theoretical particle physics.

The topics of the symposium will cover a variety of areas in theoretical high energy physics, ranging from particle physics phenomenology through model building to more formal aspects of theoretical particle physics.

Invited speakers:

Daniel Baumann, University of Amsterdam
Lance Dixon, SLAC
Gia Dvali, Max Planck Institute for Physics/LMU Munich
Johanna Erdmenger, Max Planck Institute for Physics
Raphael Flauger, University of Texas
Cesar Gomez, Autonoma University Madrid/LMU Munich
Thomas Grimm, Max Planck Institute for Physics
Arthur Hebecker, University Heidelberg
Zohar Komargodski, Weizman Institute
Frank Krauss, Durham University
Gavin Salam, CERN
Andreas Weiler, Technical University of Munich
Giulia Zanderighi, University of Oxford

Max Planck Institute for Physics
Föhringer Ring 6 80805 München Germany
Locations and directions:
