The workshop will investigate the physics potential of a very high energy electron-proton and electron-ion collider with nominal (eP) center-of-mass energy of 9 TeV, a factor of 30 higher than HERA.
The workshop will be over 2 days, 1st and 2nd June 2017, in MPI Munich, starting at 9am on the 1st and finishing by 16:00 on the 2nd.
The basis for the accelerator concept is proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration of electrons, and this approach will be reviewed. A number of invited speakers will cover aspects of QCD and the behavior of high-energy cross sections in general. The sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model will also be described. Further contributions are also greatly encouraged; we have purposefully left significant free time in the agenda for additional contributions and discussions.
There will be participation fee of 50,- Euro which will cover the lunches in the MPP canteen, the coffee breaks as well as a social dinner in the evening of June 1. You can pay either cash upon arrival or by making a bank transfer to the following account:
Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik
AWAKE K1086, name of participant
IBAN DE60 7007 0010 0195 1300 43
A special Symposium will be held from 16:30-18:00 on June 1st in honor of Leo Stodolsky's 80th Birthday. There will be a joint reception for participants in the Workshop and Symposium following the Symposium presentations.
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