13–14 Aug 2019
TU Dortmund, Physik E IV
Europe/Berlin timezone


Presentations and discussion about the BAT.jl development

13 Aug 2019, 14:25
CP-03-144 (TU Dortmund, Physik E IV)


TU Dortmund, Physik E IV

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kevin Kröninger
13/08/2019, 14:25
Oliver Schulz (Max Planck for Physics)
13/08/2019, 14:30
Cornelius Grunwald
13/08/2019, 15:00
13/08/2019, 15:30
Alexander Nozik
13/08/2019, 16:30
Tatyana Abramova
13/08/2019, 16:40
Lolian Shtembari (Max Planck for Physics)
13/08/2019, 17:40
Building timetable...