12–15 Oct 2010
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Europe/Berlin timezone


Soft skill workshops

14 Oct 2010, 14:00
Lecture Hall (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)

Lecture Hall

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik

Föhringer Ring 6 80805 München Subway: U6 Studentenstadt <b>Directions</b>: At station Studentenstadt, go underground, turn right and take the furthest exit (<b>not</b> the exit which leads to the bus stops!). On the surface, take a U-turn on Ungererstr. and head north. After 200m, turn right at the big cross-way into Föhringer Ring. After a few meters, the driveway to the MPI is on the right. <a href="http://www.mpp.mpg.de/english/">Homepage</a> <a href="http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=mpi+f%C3%BCr+physik+m%C3%BCnchen&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=15.239359,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=mpi+f%C3%BCr+physik&hnear=M%C3%BCnchen,+Bayern&ll=48.183485,11.611991&spn=0.007897,0.019205&t=h&z=16">Location in google maps</a>


You will be able to participate in a one-day soft skill seminar, Thursday 14th, 14:00-18:30 and Friday 15th, 8:30-13:00. Please choose which course you would like to attend and two alternatives. If you cannot attend the course or do not want to, please write us (ckiessig[at]mpp.mpg.de) a mail, so we know we can fill this place. For more information, see the timetable.

Conversation techniques (David Lamb)
You will practise basic strategies of good communication (e.g., active listening, question and discussion techniques) and examine how general they are and to which situations they can be applied (10–12 participants).

Negotiating for results (Silke Weigang)
You will learn basic aspects about the nature of conflicts, as well as negotiating strategies and methods concretised by means of selected cases (10–12 participants).

Speakers and their situation (Matthias Beckmann)
You will learn basic techniques for structuring talks, interacting with the audience and dealing with feedback. You will simulate situations where you would like to improve and do so via feedback of the group and the trainer (10–12 participants).

Team management and conflict resolution (Monika Thiel)
You will learn basic aspects of teams, conflict situations as well as communication and resolution strategies. You will gain practical experience via roleplay and reflexion phases and discuss how to apply these to your professional life (15–20 participants).

Time and self management (Anne-Maike Winter)
This course is about time thieves, time investment, (self-) motivation, prioritization and delegation strategies. These will be applied and intensified individually in one-to-one or small group work (15–20 participants).

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...