16 August 2023
Monastery Benediktbeuern
Europe/Berlin timezone

Please note: Transportation for the participants will be provided from the Central Bus Station (ZOB), Munich, to the monastery in Benediktbeuern and back. For more information, see below. 


Research in fundamental physics aims to answer questions about the fundamental constituents of our Universe, and about the laws that govern their interactions. There are strong indications from physics at infinitesimal and cosmic distances that the current understanding of the laws of nature is only approximate. This one-day workshop brings together experts from different areas to exchange about current research directions and includes results obtained in the European Research Council (ERC) funded project "Novel structures in scattering amplitudes".

Join our event in the Barocksaal of the monastery in Benediktbeuern on August 16th. The event is hosted by Prof. Dr. Johannes Henn, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Physics.

Please register via the "Registration" button on the top right. 


10:00 - 11:00 Martin Beneke

11:00 - 12:00 Song He

12:00 - 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 - 13:30 Jürgen Richter-Gebert

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:30 Simone Zoia

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00 Carolina Figueiredo

17:00 - 18:00 Viatcheslav Mukhanov

18:00 Reception

19:00 Dinner (upon invitation)

Speakers, titles and abstracts:

  • Martin Beneke (TUM, Munich): Hard Scattering Beyond the Leading Power
High-energy scattering amplitudes are usually computed to leading power in an expansion in the hard scale, Q. Going beyond the leading order adds another dimension to precision space, and has received considerable attention recently. The talk covers: the basic tools (effective Lagrangians) and structurally new elements of factorization theorem at next-to-leading power; examples and selected results; unsolved problems.
  • Carolina Figueiredo (Princeton University)
  • Jürgen Richter-Gebert (TUM, Munich): Seeing Structure – the power of visualisation and simulation in mathematics (and physics)
Mathematics is a very abstract discipline, nevertheless many mathematicians have a very pictorial way of thinking. Diagrams, pictures and animations very often can carry information in a condensed and comprehensive way. The twofold purpose of the talk is on the one hand to explain, which quality criteria for interactive visualisations not only make them suitable for communication but also for research. On the other hand the talk will exemplify in the case of the equilateral pentagon (an seemingly innocent object that surprisingly has deep connections to hyperbolic geometry) how the search for interactive visualisations for can stimulate new structural insight.
  • Song He (CAS, Beijing): A tale of two amplituhedra

Introduction of a new amplituhedron, which encodes all-loop integrands of scattering amplitudes for ABJM theory, by reducing the kinematics from D=4 to D=3 of the original amplituhedron for N=4 super-Yang-Mills (SYM). This provides a surprising connection between these two theories, and we find remarkable simplifications for all-loop geometries of ABJM amplitudes. The geometries also help with integrations and resummations of some all-loop integrals, from which one can extract information about the cusp anomalous dimension; we find striking similarities for such integrated/resummed quantities in the two theories. 

  • Viatcheslav Mukhanov (LMU, Munich): What did we learn about the early universe from Cosmic Microwave Background measurements?
  • Simone Zoia (Turin University) 

Transportation for participants: 

You are kindly invited to join our bus service for the workshop. A coach will take you from the Central Bus Station (ZOB) at Hackerbrücke to the monastery in Benediktbeuern. Please come to the bus platform no. 6 at 7:45 am. In the evening the bus will leave at 7:00 pm from the monastery back to the ZOB. Please register for the transportation via email to vkudrin@mpp.mpg.de Deadline for registrations is Monday, 14th of August, 12:00 pm. Thank you.

Film and sound recordings as well as photos will be taken. By attending the event you agree to their subsequent use.

The event received funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  ("Novel structures in scattering amplitudes'', grant agreement No 725110) 
(www.scattering-amplitudes.com). This project is hosted at the Max Planck Institute for Physics.

Monastery Benediktbeuern
Don-Bosco-Straße 1, 83671 Benediktbeuern
Registration for this event is currently open.