The purpose of the workshop is to gather the latest experimental results from HERA and to capture the present trends in HERA phenomenology. The idea is to have about 21 presentations of 35 minutes, each followed by a 10-minute discussion. The presentations are by experts for experts, but should be suitable for a mixed audience of both theoreticians and experimentalists. H1 members are supposed to also cover ZEUS results and vice versa. This is the right place to point out existing discrepancies between experimental data and theoretical predictions and to identify projects for the final analysis of Hera data.
Proton structure;
Spin physics;
Jet and particle production;
Heavy-flavour production;
Small-x physics and diffraction
The workshop will take place at Ringberg Castle, which is located on Mount Ringberg and overlooks Lake Tegernsee, one of the most picturesque locations to be found in all of southern Bavaria. The castle, which is owned and operated by the Max-Planck-Society, represents an ideal venue for scientific conferences, offering impressive architecture, displays of fine art, excellent food, spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, not to mention the fresh air and great walks - the combined effect of which tends to inspire its guests to progress rapidly in their fields of research. More specific information on the Ringberg Castle, including colored photographs, is available from Ringberg Castle site. The distance to the next village, Rottach-Egern, is about 3 km.
There will be no conference fee. Living expenses of the participants at Ringberg Castle will be covered by the MPI Munich and DESY Hamburg. It is expected that the participants will cover their own travel costs (except for the shuttle bus). Beverages taken at the self-service bar and outside calls from the room telephones will be billed to the participants. Accompanying persons are charged 100 € per day for lodging and full pension.
A shuttle bus to the castle, leaving the Munich main train station at 5 pm of September 25, 2011 will be provided, as well as the return from the Castle on September 28, 2011 around 13:30 pm. The travel from Ringberg Castle to the main station takes about 1 hour. A bus will leave from the bus terminal Arnulfstraße (click here for a map); you leave the main station building near track 26 or the S-Bahn station at the exit to Arnulfstrasse.
If you arrive at the airport, take any S-Bahn S1 or S8 and exit at the main station (Hauptbahnhof) to meet the shuttle bus.
In case you miss the shuttle bus, take the train to Tegernsee (BOB): (click here for the schedule); From station Tegernsee, take a taxi to Ringberg Castle.
If you need some help in planning a further stay in Munich, please contact the Conference secretary.
The results of the conference will be disseminated as conference proceedings in Nucl.Phys.B (proc.suppl.). Each author will receive one free copy.