Astroparticle Physics Seminar

Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr)

by Dr Surjeet Rajendran (Stanford U.)

313 (MPI fuer Physik)


MPI fuer Physik

We propose an experiment to search for QCD axion and axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter. Nuclei that are interacting with the background axion dark matter acquire time-varying CP-odd nuclear moments such as an electric dipole moment. In analogy with nuclear magnetic resonance, these moments cause precession of nuclear spins in a material sample in the presence of a background electric field. This precession can be detected through high-precision magnetometry. With current techniques, this experiment has sensitivity to axion masses m_a <~ 10^(-9) eV, corresponding to theoretically well-motivated axion decay constants f_a >~ 10^16 GeV. With improved magnetometry, this experiment could ultimately cover the entire range of masses m_a <~ 10^(-6) eV, just beyond the region accessible to current axion searches.