4–9 Oct 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status and prospects of the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with the CUORE experiment

5 Oct 2015, 18:50
Poster Astroparticle Physics Poster session


Mr Niccolo Moggi (University of Bologna)


The CUORE experiment, expected to start operations in early 2016, will search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te and will be one of the most competitive neutrinoless double beta decay experiments in the near future. Its demonstrator (CUORE-0) has reported in 2015 no evidence for neutrinoless double-beta decay and placed a lower bound on the decay half-life, T(0ν)1/2>2.7×10^24 yr at 90% C.L. The CUORE projected sensitivity is 9.5×10^25 yr at the 90% confidence level, which corresponds to an upper limit on the effective Majorana mass in the range of 50–130 meV. I will discuss the status of the CUORE experiment and give a brief update on the background rejection techniques that may significantly improve the search sensitivity of bolometric detectors to fully explore the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy.

Primary author

Mr Niccolo Moggi (University of Bologna)

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