4–9 Oct 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exclusive Central $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ Production in Proton Antiproton Collisions at the CDF

5 Oct 2015, 16:50
Oral Presentation Diffraction and Pomeron Diffraction and Pomeron


Ms Maria Zurek (FZ Jülich)


Exclusive central hadronic systems from hadron collisions result primarily from double pomeron exchange, and these have very restrictive quantum numbers: $I^{G}J^{PC}$ = $0^+ (\text{even})^{++}$. This "quantum number filter" is a powerful tool for meson spectroscopy in the isoscalar sector, especially for glue-rich states. In addition it provides information on the nature of the pomeron. We have measured exclusive $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ production in proton-antiproton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 1.96 TeV in the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We selected events with exactly two oppositely charged particles, assumed to be pions, in $|\eta|<1.3$ with no other particles detected in $|\eta| < 5.9$. The central $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ was required to have rapidity $|y|<1$. By requiring no other charged particles, these events are dominated by double pomeron exchange. The data is valuable for understanding the pomeron in a region of transition between non-perturbative and perturbative QCD.

Primary author

Ms Maria Zurek (FZ Jülich)


Prof. Michael Albrow (FNAL)

Presentation materials