Davide Franco
(Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie)
DarkSide-50 is a two-phase 50 kg liquid argon TPC, shielded by a liquid scintillator neutron veto and by a water Cherenkov muon veto, running at LNGS since October 2013. In the first run, DarkSide-50 operated with atmospheric argon (1,422 kg day exposure), collecting and completely rejecting about 16 millions of background events in the region of interest, mostly originating from 39Ar. Operations with underground argon, started in March 2015, demonstrated an 39Ar suppression factor larger than 1,000. The 39Ar suppression factor in underground argon combined with the exceptional electron recoil rejection power are paving the way towards the next DarkSide phase, the 20-tonne fiducial DarkSide-20k detector.
Primary author
Davide Franco
(Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie)