IMPRS Colloquium

Main/0-174 - Auditorium (Main)

Main/0-174 - Auditorium


Show room on map
    • 10:30 11:00
      My favorite Belle 2 topic 30m
      Speaker: Markus Reif
    • 11:00 11:30
      Associated Higgs production at the NNLO in QCD with SMEFT contributions 30m
      Speaker: Luc Schnell
    • 11:30 12:00
      Galactic cosmic-ray acceleration: the PeVatron hunt 30m
      Speaker: Giorgio Pirolla
    • 12:00 13:15
      Lunch Break 1h 15m
    • 13:15 13:45
      Particle vs. string mediated quantum gravity 30m
      Speaker: Andreas Bischof
    • 13:45 14:15
      Branes - Going Nonperturbative 30m
      Speaker: Christian Kneißl
    • 14:15 14:45
      Dualities 30m
      Speaker: Thomas Raml