Satellite meetings
and visits to INFN and Elettra laboratories
The afternoon of Tuesday, September 8th, will be devoted to a satellite meeting on monitoring, slow controls and interlocks and to an optional visit to the INFN and Elettra laboratories in Padriciano and Basovizza.The location for the satellite meeting is at the INFN laboratory at the Area Science Park, Building L3 (see for directions to Area):
INFN Trieste @ Area Science Park
Area di Ricerca
Padriciano 99
34149 Trieste
Preliminary program:
12:15 pick-up at the airport, morning flight from Munich (at present: only 3 persons announced themselves, we will pick them up by private car; a mini-bus may be organised if more people are willing to join)
13:00 lunch at the cafeteria of Area Science Park, Padriciano
14:00 meeting (L3 building, 2nd floor, Meeting Room)
- progress on monitoring hardware and LabView software (Trieste)
- progress on EPICS software
- power supply controls
- discussion on software/hardware interlock requirements
16:00 visits to INFN and Elettra laboratories
Public transportation is available from downtown to Area Science Park: bus line 51 (see time table at the Trieste Trasporti web site:
Transportation to the INFN laboratory, directly from the FVG-Trieste airport, may be arranged for those arriving with the morning/early afternoon flights. After the meetings and visits, transportation to the downtown hotels will also be available on request.
If you are interested in the meetings and/or visits to the laboratories, and need transportation, please contact us as soon as possible ( or