Workshop on state of the art in sampling and clustering

Zoom, Gather Town and MPP Auditorium (Virtually and at MPP)

Zoom, Gather Town and MPP Auditorium

Virtually and at MPP

Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich and anywhere on earth via remote connection

Zoom connection information and other details will be sent to participants via Indico reminder emails each morning. Watch out for emails with the subject "[Indico] [Event reminder] Workshop on state of the art in sampling and clustering", check your spam folder as well if necessary. Please contact us if you didn't receive a first such email yet.

The workshop will cover both introductory and advanced topics in the field of statistical sampling and clustering. In addition to lectures on state of the art approaches, the workshop will also comprise hand-on and excercise sessions.

The workshop, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP)  is organised by the INSIGHTS ITN, MPP IMPRS and the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, it is open to everybody affiliated with these organizations.

Due to Covid-19, all sessions and social interactions will be held online. Some of the speakers and a limited number of people will participate in person at the MPP auditorium.

Note: Registration for this event is now closed.