Nov 21 – 22, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone

The aim of this mini-workshop is to bring together institutes interested in performing a novel experiment for the search of dark matter QCD axions using the dielectric haloscope idea.

Participation is by invitation only. In order to receive an invitation, please contact Béla Majorovits (

We want to bring all participants up to date about both, theoretical calculations as well as hardware activities performed so far. We want to discuss the further project plan and hope to attract collaborators for this exciting but challenging project.

There will be a participation fee of 50€, which can be paid either cash upon arrival or by bank transfer to the following account:

Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik
Deutsche Bank München
IBAN: DE60 7007 0010 0195 1300 43
MADMAX K 1085 plus your name and institute

