2nd International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications

Lecture Room (Ringberg Castle)

Lecture Room

Ringberg Castle



This is the second of a series of workshops (see previous workshop at Heidelberg) dealing with the DEPFET active pixel sensor and its applications. Although the main topic of this workshop will be the DEPFET vertex detector at SuperKEKB, this workshop is aimed to be open also for other applications like x-ray astronomy, photon- and material sience.
  • Alvaro Gaspar de Valenzuela
  • Andre Kruth
  • Andreas Ritter
  • Andreas Wassatsch
  • Ariane Frey
  • Benjamin Schwenker
  • Burkard Reisert
  • Carlos Lacasta
  • Carlos Marinas
  • Christian Geisler
  • Christian Kiesling
  • Christian Kreidl
  • enric cabruja
  • Frank Simon
  • Hans Jürgen Simonis
  • Hans Krüger
  • Hans-Günther Moser
  • Herbert Hoedlmoser
  • Hiroshi Yamaoka
  • Ivan Peric
  • Jan Scheirich
  • Jelena Ninkovic
  • Jens Soeren Lange
  • Jochen Kinzel
  • Johannes Schneider
  • Johannes Treis
  • Julia Furletova
  • Laci Andricek
  • Lars Reuen
  • Manuel Koch
  • Marc Hempel
  • Marc Rosen
  • Marcel Vos
  • Markus Fras
  • Markus Friedl
  • Marlene Schaber
  • Masako Iwasaki
  • Norbert Wermes
  • Oksana Brovchenko
  • Pablo Vazquez Regueiro
  • Peter Fischer
  • Peter Kodys
  • Peter Kvasnicka
  • Rainer Richter
  • Sergey Furletov
  • Shoji Uno
  • Simone Esch
  • Stefan Rummel
  • Thomas Weiler
  • Tomasz Hemperek
  • Toru Tsuboyama
  • Wasi Faruqi
  • Zbynek Drasal
  • Zdenek Dolezal