IMPRS Recruitment Workshop

    • 09:15
      Welcome Coffee/Tea
    • 1
      Welcome to the IMPRS Recruitment Workshop & Technical Setup
      Speaker: Dr Frank Steffen (MPP)
    • 2
      The Gravitino Mass and the Extra Dimensions
      Speaker: Leonardo Bersigotti (Univ. of Bologna)
    • 3
      Closure Tests of Transverse Momentum Distributions
      Speaker: Kamil Laurent (Univ. of Turin)
    • 4
      Matching NLO QED computations and parton-shower simulations with MC@NLO
      Speaker: Forgione Camilla (Univ. of Turin)
    • 5
      Renormalon Contribution to Pseudo- and Quasi-Generalised Parton Distributions
      Speaker: Maria Koller (Univ. of Regensburg)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 6
      An introduction to the Physics of axions
      Speaker: Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida (Univ. of Oxford)
    • 7
      Heavy axions emerging from composite Higgs models
      Speaker: Andrea Incrocci (Univ. of Heidelberg)
    • 8
      Cosmological correlators at loop order
      Speaker: Jonathan Gräfe (LMU Munich)
    • 9
      In the view of large detector arrays: Implementation of Automated Analysis Modules for low-temperature dark matter searches
      Speaker: Maximilian Gapp (MPP/TU Munich)
    • 12:40
      Lunch Break
    • 10
      Employing the Matrix Element Method in the Search for Higgs Self-coupling
      Speaker: Edis Hrustanbegovic (LMU Munich)
    • 11
      Machine learning-based optimisation of Higgs coupling measurements in the H → 4l decay channel with ATLAS Run 3 data
      Speaker: Luca Spitzauer (MPP/TU Munich)
    • 12
      Machine-Learning assisted reconstruction of hadron-collider events using mini-jets
      Speaker: Josef Murnauer (LMU Munich/MPP)
    • 13
      Production and Testing of Resistive Plate Chamber Prototypes for the ATLAS Upgrade
      Speaker: Timur Turkovich (TU Munich)
    • 15:20
      Coffee Break
    • 14
      Introduction to the IMPRS EPP
      Speaker: Dr Frank Steffen (MPP)