MPP PhD Workshop

Max Planck Institute of Physics (Main Auditorium)

Max Planck Institute of Physics (Main Auditorium)

    • 8:30 AM
      Welcome Coffee
    • 1
      Speaker: Frank Steffen (MPP)
    • 2
      Energy Reconstruction with Software Compensation Techniques in Highly Granular Calorimeters
      Speaker: Christian Winter (MPP/TUM)
    • 3
      Evaluation of Scintillator Tiles for Highly Granular Calorimeters
      Speaker: Malinda de Silva (MPP/TUM)
    • 4
      Neutron Detection with Gadolinium and GEM detector
      Speaker: Sunyoung Yoo (Univ. of Seoul)
    • 5
      Test of High-Resolution Muon Drift-Tube Chambers for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment
      Speaker: Šejla Hadžić (MPP/TUM)
    • 10:20 AM
      Coffee break
    • 6
      Development of a multivariate reconstruction algorithm for hadronic ttbar-systems in ttbarZ events with Z->ee/mumu using the ATLAS detector
      Speaker: Nina Wenke (LMU)
    • 7
      Detector Response and Pileup Mitigation Studies at CMS
      Speaker: Gitanjali Poddar (ETH Zurich)
    • 8
      Optimization of the new Pixel Vertex Detector for Physics Running in the Belle II Experiment
      Speaker: Markus Reif (MPP/LMU)
    • 9
      Development of a Neural Network for Online Event Reconstruction for a Radiation Monitor
      Speaker: Lukas Bierwirth (MPP/TUM)
    • 12:10 PM
      Lunch break
    • 10
      Renormalons and Top Quark Mass with Jet Substructure
      Speaker: Zhen Xu (LMU/TUM)
    • 11
      Performing PDF fits on GPU: a preliminary search for the best solution
      Speaker: Emilio Villa (Univ. of Milan)
    • 12
      Magnetic-dipole correction to the $R_K$ and $R_{K^\ast}$ observables in the Standard Model and beyond
      Speaker: Marco Palmiotto (Univ. of Trieste)
    • 13
      Dark matter in supersymmetric inverse-seesaw models
      Speaker: Yang Liu (Univ. of Würzburg)
    • 2:20 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 14
      Møller scattering of massless fermions in a parity preserving Maxwell-Chern-Simons QED_3
      Speaker: Wellisson de Lima (Univ. Federal de Viçosa)
    • 15
      Backreaction from magnetogenesis during inflation
      Speaker: Sofia Corbà (Univ. of Bologna)
    • 16
      Erasure of defects
      Speaker: Juan Sebastián Valbuena Bermúdez (LMU)
    • 17
      Introduction to the MPP PhD Program / Funding Information
      Speaker: Frank Steffen (MPP)